Hii there!

Welcome to my travel blog. My name is Michelle but you can call me mies.

Back in 2019 I got bitten by the Travel Bug and since then I have the desire to explore as many places and countries as I can each year. 

Sounds good right?! Down below I’ll tell you more about my story and why I started this travel blog.

it’s me

Back in 2019 I got bitten by the Travel Bug and since then I have the desire to explore as many places and countries as I can each year. 

Sounds good right?! Down below I’ll tell you more about my story and why I started this travel blog.

Hvar, Croatia

it’s me


So, where do I begin?! Back in 2019 I finished my Marketing, Communication & Events degree. This meant I had to start searching for a job and throw myself into the ‘real’ world. However,  ever since I was a teenager, I had this nagging feeling that I wanted to travel the world and if I wanted to do that, I had to do it now. I decided to go on this one big adventure and travel through Indonesia for two months. This trip was meant to be a one-time-thing, because after this amazing experience I was going to work and save money to get myself a house one day. 

Only after two months of working, I was searching the internet for my next trip. That was the moment I realized I got bitten by the Travel Bug. I decided to come up with a plan, because I couldn’t let this feeling, of wanting to travel the world, go. 

Now, 4 years later, I’m able to work a 9-5 job, write a travel blog and explore many places and countries each year. Yes, sometimes I need to be creative and for example go on a 7-day roadtrip with my dads car to make it happen. But making it happen is what counts, not how you do it. 

Suspension bridge, Geierlay Germany


‘Why this travel blog?’  you may ask. I decided to write this blog to inspire others and make their next (dream) trip happen. Working doesn’t mean you can’t travel anymore or have fun from time to time. Working means you get to save up money and still be able to travel on your days off. 

In my blog I’ll tell you all about how I saved for my trips, how I plan my next adventures on a budget and I show you all the wonderful places I’ve been to. From having a picnic by the Eiffel Tower, to swimming in one of the clearest waters of Indonesia, to exploring the most beautiful World Heritage Sites all around the world. 

If you want to be able to explore a destination on a budget, but don’t want to miss out on anything during your trip, this is the travel blog for you. I will show you how I travel many places and still have money for my next trip by the time I’m back home. And if I can do it, you can do it too!

Zrmanja Canyon, Croatia